When we talk about emotions, we teach our patients, children, adolescents and/or young people that there are healthy emotions (negative emotions that help us) and unhealthy emotions (negative emotions that do not help us). Train the"Emotional muscle"It involves learning to manage those negative emotions that do not help us and that manifest themselves through non-functional behaviors that do not allow us to achieve our goals and/or resolve conflicts satisfactorily.
It is necessary to teach that negative emotions are part of life and that they are normal, so it is important to train and educate our hij@s so that they are prepared to encounter emotions that they do not like, but that they can learn to live with them, manage them and change them for healthier emotions that provide them with more constructive consequences.
Unhealthy emotions are clinically significant when they are intense, frequent, and long-lasting.
From REBT, anger, depression, anxiety, shame and guilt are considered unhealthy emotions, with anger or anger, sadness, fear, discomfort and grief and regret being healthier: