Everything You Need to Know About Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, known as REBT, is an effective form of psychological therapy that has helped millions of people change dysfunctional thought patterns and improve their emotional well-being. Developed in the 1950s by psychologist Albert Ellis, REBT is based on the idea that our ... Read more

Ultimate GitHub Mastery with KMS – Comprehensive Resource for Users and Developers

GitHub has revolutionized collaboration and version control for developers worldwide. Understanding its intricacies is crucial for anyone involved in software development, from beginners to seasoned professionals. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify GitHub’s functionalities, offering a detailed roadmap to mastering its tools and workflows. Central to this guide is the integration of KMS (Key Management … Read more

Irrational Beliefs: The REBT Therapy Perspective and Albert Ellis

In the field of psychology, irrational beliefs are thought patterns that distort our perception of reality and can cause emotional distress. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), developed by renowned psychologist Albert Ellis, offers a powerful approach to challenging and changing these irrational beliefs. At TREC Psychology, we dive into... Read more

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a common but debilitating phenomenon that affects many people, especially in professional settings. REBT Therapy can be an effective tool to overcome it and regain self-confidence. What is Imposter Syndrome? Imposter syndrome is characterized by a persistent feeling that you don't... Read more

We talk about fears in pregnancy

mujer embarazada con posibles miedos durante el embarazo

Explorando los miedos comunes durante el embarazo y cómo la TREC puede ayudar a superarlos, fomentando el bienestar emocional de la madre y el desarrollo saludable del bebé El embarazo es una etapa de la vida llena de emociones y cambios. Es común que las futuras madres experimenten miedos y preocupaciones a medida que se … Read more

How to Speak to Our Inner Child

Hablarle a nuestro niño interior puede ser una experiencia emocionante y transformadora. Es una forma de conectarnos con la parte más vulnerable y auténtica de nosotros mismos, y de cuidar y sanar las heridas que hemos acumulado a lo largo de la vida. En este artículo, exploraremos algunas estrategias útiles para hablarle a nuestro niño … Read more

4 errors que cometem com a pares per Carnestoltes

Des de fa anys, la setmana de Carnestoltes ha esdevingut per a les famílies una prova de foc d’eficàcia i habilitat manual: els infants han d’anar a l’escola complint una consigna diferent! En alguns casos es pot convertir en un mal de cap per pares i mares i també per alguns infants que no gaudeixen … Read more


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